Desktop Remoto Windows

Windows XP - Windows Server 2003 - Desktop Remoto - Accesso Remoto

Abilitare Desktop Remoto su Windows Server 2003 (come Host)
(con cenni sulla configurazione del router):

Usare il Client di Desktop Remoto su XP Professional
+ Abilitare Host Desktop Remoto su XP Professional

Copiare files via Desktop Remoto (by Andrea Beggi):

How to allow TCP port 3389 on Windows Firewall

To use Remote Desktop to communicate with a remote computer, you must enable the predefined exception for Remote Desktop on the remote computer, which will dynamically allow incoming traffic on TCP port 3389.
  • On the remote computer, go to Control Panel, double click on "Windows Firewall"
  • Click on the Exceptions tab.
  • Check mark the "Remote Desktop" box.

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