Desktop Remoto Windows
Windows XP - Windows Server 2003 - Desktop Remoto - Accesso Remoto
Abilitare Desktop Remoto su Windows Server 2003 (come Host)
(con cenni sulla configurazione del router):
Usare il Client di Desktop Remoto su XP Professional
+ Abilitare Host Desktop Remoto su XP Professional
Copiare files via Desktop Remoto (by Andrea Beggi):
To use Remote Desktop to communicate with a remote computer, you must enable the predefined exception for Remote Desktop on the remote computer, which will dynamically allow incoming traffic on TCP port 3389.
Abilitare Desktop Remoto su Windows Server 2003 (come Host)
(con cenni sulla configurazione del router):
Usare il Client di Desktop Remoto su XP Professional
+ Abilitare Host Desktop Remoto su XP Professional
Copiare files via Desktop Remoto (by Andrea Beggi):
How to allow TCP port 3389 on Windows Firewall
To use Remote Desktop to communicate with a remote computer, you must enable the predefined exception for Remote Desktop on the remote computer, which will dynamically allow incoming traffic on TCP port 3389.
- On the remote computer, go to Control Panel, double click on "Windows Firewall"
- Click on the Exceptions tab.
- Check mark the "Remote Desktop" box.