Hidden taxes & benefits when you live in Italy

You are not Italian but you are living in Italy for work or study.
You bought a car in Italy and maybe a house too, or you took one for rent.
There are many taxes that you are supposed to pay to various  Italian local admnistrations, and you should get informed about them. There are also some very few benefits.

1. The tax for recycling town services.
In Italy it is called "TARI" and is due to your town administration.
It is skeduled twice: June 30th and November 30th (check on your town website).
It is due just for living in a town, also without beeing a real estate owner.
This tax is notified ti you through a letter carrying a "MAV" module, a payment method you can use with your online banking service or at any bank front office also without being a customer. 
Refer to the tax office of your town  ("Ufficio tributi del tuo Comune") for more informations.

2. The tax for "secondary real estates".
There are many acronyms to refer to this tax: "IMU", "TASI" and "IUC".
It is skeduled twice: June about 15th and December about 15th.

It is due for second houses, second boxes etc...
No tax is due for your mainhouse ("abitazione principale") and its subsidiaries ("pertinenze") like a box, a cellar ("cantina")...
The tax is collected by the tax office of your town. It has to be payed with a special module called "F24", provided by any online banking service or in any bank front office, also without being a customer.
You can calculate the amount of the tax with the official online service at the website of your town administration.

3. The Car Tax, called "Bollo automobilistico" or "Bollo ACI".
If you own a car you have to pay this tax once a year, depending on the date of   your vehicle matriculation.
It is due to the Regional Administration;  you can check the your skedule,   calculate your amount and finally pay it online (google: "come pagare bollo auto online + your_region_name") or at any ACI front office (http://www.aci.it/laci/altri-contatti/sedi-e-punti-di-servizio.html).

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